Mississippi Boat Bill of Sale

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The Mississippi boat bill of sale is provided by the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks and is attached to the Registration Application. The bill of sale should include the full details of the transaction between the buyer and seller along with the full information about the items being purchased/sold including any motor(s), trailer(s), etc.

Once the transaction is complete, the new owner will need the bill of sale as well as the following forms in order to register the vessel:

How to Write

The buyer and seller will need to fill-in the highlighted blank fields with the following information:

  • Make of Boat
  • Year Built
  • Hull Number
  • Boat Registration Number
  • Length
  • Buyer(s) and Seller(s) First and Last Name
  • Seller’s Street Address
  • Buyer(s) and Seller(s) Signatures
  • Notary Public Acknowledgment