Indiana Vehicle (BMV) Bill of Sale | 44237

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The Indiana BMV bill of sale, also known as Form 44237, permits an individual or entity to transfer, gift or sell a motor vehicle or boat (watercraft). The form is used when applying for title or registration with a local BMV office along with the following documents:

For Vehicles

For WaterCrafts

Blank Check – For fees and excise tax
Registration Application (Entire Packet) including the following forms:

All of the documents can be submitted at a BMV office or mailed to the following address:

Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles
100 N. Senate Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46204

How to Write

The following fields must be completed in order for the bill of sale to be accepted:

  • Vehicle or Hull Identification Number
  • Year
  • Make
  • Model
  • Registration Number (if applicable)
  • Purchase Price
  • Date of Sale
  • Purchaser’s Name (last, first, middle initial or company name)
  • Purchaser’s Address
  • Purchaser’s City
  • Signature Area