Pennsylvania Firearm/Gun Bill of Sale

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The Pennsylvania firearm bill of sale can be used by any owner and buyer of a gun to be able to exchange ownership in return for monetary funds ($) or trade. Any resident, according to the State’s Constitution (Article 1, Section 21), is eligible to purchase and possess a firearm within the State. After the bill of sale is signed by both parties, the form becomes legally binding and enforceable.

How to Write

The bill of sale should be written in accordance with Article 1, Section 21 which allows any resident to bear arms and to fill-in the following information:

  • Date of Bill of Sale Authorization – The trading of items, i.e. the Gun and Monetary Funds ($), should also be exchanged on this day
  • The Parties’ – Buyer/Seller Legal Name(s) and Mailing Address(es)
  • Gun Description – Should include Serial Number (S/N) and Caliber
  • Purchase Price and Number of Payments – If the cash/check is to be presented on the date of sale the check box ‘Single Payment’ should be selected
  • Condition of Firearm
  • Signature – Include any witnesses or sign in front of a notary public (if desired)
  • Gun Disclosure Form