Iowa Bill of Sale for ATV | Boat | Snowmobile

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The Iowa bill of sale for all-terrain vehicles (ATV’s), boats, and snowmobiles allows for a trade to progress between a purchaser and a seller. The form must list the details of the item being transferred as well as the buyer’s and seller’s information.

After conducting the sale, the new owner will need to register by filling in the Registration Application (Form 542-8067) and turning it in along with the fee to a Local County Office.

How to Write

The bill of sale may be filled-in by entering the information listed below:

  • Seller’s Name
  • Year
  • Make
  • State whether it is a Boat, Snowmobile, or ATV
  • IA Registration Number (if any)
  • Hull ID, VIN, or Serial Number (S/N)
  • Buyer’s Name
  • Date
  • Total Price
  • Breakdown of Price – If a trailer or separate motor is included
  • Seller’s Signature
  • Buyer’s Signature