Pennsylvania Boat Bill of Sale

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The Pennsylvania boat bill of sale is to be used by a buyer and a seller of a vessel in order to document the transfer of ownership and the purchaser may use  to register at a Fish and Boat Field Office or Authorized Agent. The bill of sale includes the Boat Title/Registration Application (Form REV-336) which must also be filled-in and signed by the seller.

How to Fill-in

The owner and the prospective buyer should enter the following information into the bill of sale before authorizing and/or trading the vessel for the monetary funds:

  • Sale Date
  • Buyer’s Name and Mailing Address
  • Seller’s Name and Mailing Address
  • Vessel Description – Highly Recommended to include the Hull Identification Number (HIN)
  • Purchase Price – Including any payment types such as any promissory note (if applicable)
  • Condition of Vessel
  • Any Pending Liens or Encumbrances should be Stated
  • Odometer Disclosure Statement
  • Signature(s) of the Parties
  • Witness(es) (if applicable)
  • Notary Acknowledgment (if applicable)
  • Form REV-336