North Carolina Firearm/Gun Bill of Sale

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The North Carolina firearm bill of sale allows for the sale of any type of gun so long as the purchaser has a license in possession that allows them to own a gun (long guns are exempt from this requirement). The buyer should always be advised to check the Serial Number (S/N) of the firearm to make sure it is visible and has not been tampered.

How to Register

2 Options

  1. Apply for the regular license by filling-in the Application and submitting to a Sheriff’s Office Location.
  2. Apply for a concealed handgun permit which automatically allows the applicant to purchase a firearm. Use the county-by-county application and submit to a Sheriff’s Office Location.

How to Write

The buyer and seller should authorize the bill of sale on the date the monetary funds are being traded for possession of the gun. The highlighted fields on the PDF document should be filled-in with the items below:

  • Sale Date
  • Buyer’s Credentials
  • Seller’s Credentials
  • Gun Description – Advised to enter the Serial Number (S/N) for legal liability
  • Purchase Price
  • Condition of Firearm
  • Signature Area including Notary Public option
  • Disclosure