Delaware Boat Bill of Sale

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The motor boat bill of sale form is used to write an agreement between a buyer and seller for the transfer of ownership. The form should be filled in by both parties and at signature time the form is recommended to be signed with a notary public present or at least by a third (3rd) party witness.

How to Register

The buyer will need to obtain the following forms and bring to their local Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Office:

How to Write a Delaware Boat Bill of Sale

The parties will need to input the following information before signing:

  • Date
  • Buyer’s Name(s)
  • Buyer’s Mailing Address(es)
  • Seller’s Name(s)
  • Seller’s Mailing Address(es)
  • Vessel Hull Type
  • Vessel Make
  • Vessel Model
  • Vessel Year
  • Hull Identification Number (HIN) – Required
  • Payment Types: Single, Downpayment with Balance Later, or Downpayment with Promissory
  • Liens and Encumbrances (if any)
  • Condition of Vessel/Hull
  • Date of Last Inspection (if any)
  • Additional Terms and Conditions (if any)

This form is not needed by the Department of Fish and Wildlife Office but recommended to keep the parties’ recording purposes.