Georgia Firearm/Gun Bill of Sale

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The Georgia firearm bill of sale form is for private gun owners seeking to sell or trade with another individual. The details of the transaction, much like a receipt, must be documented for tax and financial recording. According to Statute 16-11-131, a buyer cannot be a person convicted of a felony or a first offender probationer.

How to Write

Download the form and complete either in PDF Format or by hand after printing. The following information will be needed by the Parties’

  • Date of Sale
  • Buyer’s Credentials: Name and Address
  • Seller’s Credentials: Name and Address
  • Description of Firearm including: Caliber, Make, Model, Serial Number (S/N)
  • Purchase Price including any Promissory Note (if applicable)
  • Condition of Firearm
  • Additional Terms (if any)
  • Signature Area
  • Notary Public (optional)