Minnesota Boat Bill of Sale

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The Minnesota boat bill of sale form is used to transfer the ownership of a motorized vessel including any motor(s) or trailer. In addition to the writing  the bill of sale which states the full details of the parties and transaction, the title should be forwarded to the new owner on the date of sale. This will allow the new owner to easily register the boat at a deputy at a motor vehicles office.

How to Write

Fill-in the boat bill of sale by inputting the following highlighted fields:

  • Date of Transaction/Bill of Sale
  • The Parties
  • Buyer and Seller Full Names – It is recommended to get the identification of the buyer and seller to prevent any type of fraudulent transfer.
  • Buyer and Seller Mailing Addresses
  • Vessel Description including Hull Identification Number (HIN)
  • Purchase Price with Terms (if any)
  • Vessel Condition
  • Buyer and Seller Signatures
  • Notary Acknowledgment (if applicable)