New York Firearm/Gun Bill of Sale

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The firearm bill of sale for New York is for residents to transfer any type of gun from one person to another. The buyer should have a firearm license in their possession in order to complete the transfer and the new owner should ensure that the serial number on the gun is clearly visible.

  • New York Gun Laws – 265.20

Register for License

If the buyer does not have a license they may obtain one by submitting the following:

How to Write

The following should be entered into the bill of sale:

  • Date
  • The Parties’
  • Gun Description – The Serial Number (S/N) should be noted in the document.
  • Purchase Amount – Also note if the sale will include a promissory note (if applicable)
  • Condition of Gun
  • Signature Area
  • Notary Acknowledgment (if applicable)
  • Disclosure – To ensure that possession of the firearm is legal for the buyer and that the gun is the rightful owner of the seller.

After signature, the agreement is final and both parties are bound to the exchange.