Dog/Puppy Bill of Sale

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The dog bill of sale should be used as a receipt for an exchange of monetary funds for the ownership of a pooch. If the dog is more than a year old, any registration tags or ownership/identification cards should be transferred with the sale. If it is a puppy, any veterinarian shots and previous appointments should be obtained by the owner.

How to Write

The form is available in a fillable PDF Format to be filled-in with the following information:

  • Purchase Sum ($)
  • Seller’s Name
  • Seller’s Address
  • Dog’s: Name (if any), Breed, Date of Birth (DOB), Color, Sex (Male/Female), Registration Number (if any), Sire Name, Dam Name
  • Disclosure Period – The buyer may elect to have a time period for inspecting the animal with a veterinarian.
  • Additional Provisions (if any)
  • Governing Law (State of Transaction)
  • Seller’s Signature – Buyer is not required to sign