Douglas County, Colorado Bill of Sale
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The Utah motor boat/vehicle bill of sale, also known as Form TC-843, is to be used for the transfer of any automobile, motorcycle, off-highway vehicle, snowmobile, boat, or trailer from one individual/entity to another. The parties should agree to transfer possession of the item(s) and monetary funds on the same day of signing the bill of sale. Identification of the parties should be present at the time of sale. Versions Fillable Adobe PDF (.pdf) Microsoft Word (.doc) Rich Text Format (.rtf)…
The firearm bill of sale for New York is for residents to transfer any type of gun from one person to another. The buyer should have a firearm license in their possession in order to complete the transfer and the new owner should ensure that the serial number on the gun is clearly visible. New York Gun Laws – 265.20 Register for License If the buyer does not have a license they may obtain one by submitting the following: NYC…
The Nevada off highway vehicle bill of sale, or known as Form OHV006, is for vehicles as defined in NRS 490.082 between a buyer and a seller. The form is to be kept by both parties and the new owner will use the bill of sale if they ever should decide to Register in the State. How to Write The State Instructions may be found on the first (1st) page of the form, but it is imperative the following information is stated…
The Alabama bill of sale form is used for vehicles that are being transferred from one owner to another. The party that is acquiring the vehicle is known as the ‘purchaser’ and the party that is letting go of the vehicle the ‘seller’. Under State law, only the seller is required to sign the form but it is recommended that the parties both do so in the presence of a notary public. Find a Registration Office How to Register a Vehicle…
The Arkansas vehicle bill of sale allows two (2) people to engage in a negotiation and sign an agreement to transfer a motor vehicle for a purchase price. The form includes the odometer disclosure form which is required by federal law for all vehicles under sixteen thousand pounds (16,000 lb.) and under ten (10) years old. The seller will need to send a notice of sale to the Department of Finance and Administration to the following address; Department of Finance &…