Alaska Vehicle Bill of Sale
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The California bill of sale provided by the California Housing and Community Development is provided for a purchase and sale one of the following; Manufactured Home/Mobile Home Commercial Modular Floating Home Trick Camper After filling in the Statement of Facts the Seller is required to sign and the transaction is complete.
The Washington firearm bill of sale is for any type of gun purchase made between a buyer and seller in the State. The seller has the option of notifying the State through the Transfer Form (TD-652-001). The buyer should take notice of any ownership certification(s) that may exist in addition to viewing a clear Serial Number (S/N). If a buyer wants to verify the ownership of a gun, they may through the Record Certification Request Form Laws – Chapter 9.41…
The vessel bill of sale form is used by a buyer and seller seeking to formulate a written transaction. The buyer and seller should enter the following; Purchase Price Day, Month, and Year of Sale Buyer and Seller Name Addresses of the Parties Boat Hull Serial Number Length Make Model Motor (Make & Serial No.) Year Alabama Registration Decal including Month and Year (if any) Boats built from 1972 and newer are required to be registered along with their twelve (12)…
The Michigan plant bill of sale is for two (2) parties to make an agreement for exchanging a plant (wild or farm grown) in return for monetary funds or trade. How to Write The following information is required to complete the bill of sale: Date Ck’d Place Ck’d Ck’d By Seller’s Name Seller’s Address Buyer’s Name and Address Description of Plant Sold Kind of Plant Number of Plants/Trees/Boughs Township Section Number Portion of Section Town-Line Number Range Number Country Date…
The Alabama abandoned vehicle bill of sale should be used under the following circumstances; If an entity has towed a vehicle and ha contacted the owner(s) via Certified Mail may sell the vehicle within sixty (60) days Notice of the time, date, and location of the sale must be publicized in the newspaper at least thirty (30) days before the sale with a full description of the vehicle. Further written notice of the sale of the vehicle must be given…