Mesa County, Colorado Bill of Sale

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The Georgia personal property bill of sale, as stated in Statute 44-5-31, allows individuals to exchange assets in return for trade (usually cash or check). It is recommended to have both buyer and seller details along with the information about the transaction entered into the bill of sale. How to Write The following fields need to be completed in order to have a valid bill of sale: County of Sale Seller’s Name Purchase Price Buyer’s Name Description of Personal Property (if…

The North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) bill of sale form is a document used to write the details of a trade for a vehicle in return for monetary funds ($). The personal information including the names and addresses of each party should be represented in the form. State law requires that the purchase price be represented on the form. The buyer will need the form should be returned to the DMV Office in their area along with the…

The firearm bill of sale for New York is for residents to transfer any type of gun from one person to another. The buyer should have a firearm license in their possession in order to complete the transfer and the new owner should ensure that the serial number on the gun is clearly visible. New York Gun Laws – 265.20 Register for License If the buyer does not have a license they may obtain one by submitting the following: NYC…

The Oregon DMV bill of sale, otherwise known as Form 501, is available to be downloaded in a fillable or printable version. The form is to be used to draft an agreement between a buyer and seller of a motor vehicle and after it has been signed by the seller and the monetary funds have been transferred the document becomes legally binding. Odometer Disclosure Statement – Must be completed according to federal law if any vehicle is traded that is…

The North Carolina boat bill of sale is provided by the Wildlife Resource Commission to allow the transition of ownership from one person or entity to another. The completed and notarized form is to be kept for both parties personal record keeping but will be required for the buyer to register the vehicle. How to Register The applicant will need to take the following to the nearest County Service Agent: Vessel Bill of Sale – Fillable Adobe PDF (.pdf) | Microsoft…